
Showing posts from May, 2018

MAS 265 Exam 3 study guide (unfinished)

MAS 265 Study Guide 13B: Historical Revisionism     La Calle's  Chapter 7: “The Politics of Memory,” pages 153-¬176.   Pioneer Identity                    John C. Fremont                    Fremont House                 Olga Otero  Litel                     Historic Zone Ordinance 3815                National Register of Historic Places    MAS 265 Study Guide 14A :  United Farm Workers     These identification terms are taken from Part 2,  Chicano  documentary, “The Struggle in the Fields.”   Cesar Chávez      11:00   D istinguished looking, but soft spoken    A s the strike continued  cesar   chavez  became more than a strike leader 20:00   Decided to fast as an act of non-violence, angering many       Life of migrant farm workers before 1970      M ade little money   N o education   C hildren worked in fields