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SLHS 270

This is an embedded Microsoft Office document, powered by Office Online . 1. A person who buys a lottery ticket because s/he just feels lucky is using the method of ____. a. empiricism b. faith c. tenacity d. intuition d 2. Which method of acquiring knowledge is being used when people accept information as true because it has been believed for a very long time or is supported by superstition? a. intuition b. rationalism c. tenacity d. authority c 3. What is a potential problem with the method of authority? a. A person may claim to be an expert when he or she really is not. b. An “expert” answer may be only a personal, subjective opinion. c. An expert may be giving answers outside his or her area of expertise. d. A,B and C are all all potential problems. d 4. A patient who demands a second opinion before agreeing to surgery is double checking inf